We provide digital reproductions of artworks from the collections of the Slovak National Gallery for specific purposes. Conditions for providing a digital reproduction depend on the selected artwork and purpose of use.
In accordance with copyright laws, the Slovak National Gallery does not provide digital reproductions of protected artworks for common private purposes (decoration, gifts etc.).
We usually provide reproductions without a fee for research purposes (papers, scientific publications) and educational purposes (educational tools, lectures). The price for commercial purposes (products, propagation materials, commercial publications) is decided individually according to the circumstances.
When providing reproductions of copyright protected artworks, the Slovak National Gallery acts with regard to the artwork license, the will of the artist or heirs and a historical context of the copyright law.
The copyright of an artwork can sometimes be managed by other parties, such as LITA – the civil association of authors, or relatives of the artist. The reproduction request then has to be consulted accordingly. In the case that your order contains such artworks, we will inform you.
The required time to process an order depends on the copyright situation and can be up to several weeks. We thus recommend ordering digital reproductions sufficiently in advance.