measurements: výška 100 cm, šírka 49,5 cm
work type: iné médiá
genre: figurálny motív
material: papier, fotografický
technique: digitálna tlač
institution: Súkromný majetok
tags: performancia hmla príroda telo
in collections:

The action-performance ritual Daring was conceived as a multilayer work focusing mainly on physical endurance and mental strain of the main actor Milan and action-performance capacity of Viktor. Naked body symbolises the primary substance of every human. We come naked to this world and naked we leave it. From a physical substance we return back into immaterial, spiritual. The whole ritual, from its beginning till the end, lasted six hours. It was based on ancient mystical, magical, religious, ceremonial, sacrificial, and shamanistic mysteries and rituals of ancient developed cultures and civilisations from various time-space eras. In the work Daring, but also in their other works designed for a natural environment, the P.O.P. triplet of authors were looking for a magical meaning of natural elements, natural phenomena, their mutual connections, and their impact on a human in the sense of both harmony and disharmony.

Alexandra Tamásová ● Do divočiny