Faded Portrait

Viera Kraicová

measurements: výška 29.3 cm, šírka 21.0 cm
work type: painting
genre: figurálny motív
abstraktný motív
material: paper
technique: tempera
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
curator: Petra Hanáková
inventory number: K 18651
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Viera Kraicová often worked with the archetype of the head, onto which she projected her momentary psychic states and moods. Her heads move on the frontier of concreteness and abstraction; they express intensive emotion with economical gestural motions. Her small-scale gouaches from the second half of the 1960s are among this artist’s finest works.

Katarína Bajcurová ● Z klinca na klinec: Malé formy Viery Kraicovej