
Ernest Zmeták

measurements: výška 42.0 cm, šírka 34.0 cm
work type: kresbavoľná
genre: portrait
material: paper
technique: ink
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
curator: Petra Hanáková
inventory number: K 13286
tags: autoportrét
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Ernest Zmeták sought his personal visual expression via the self-portrait. He was not so much interested in detailed facial features; rather, he concentrated on the form and composition of the picture. He constructed his countenance from firm geometrical shapes, almost Cezanne-fashion. However, for him the focus of emotion in the face remained the eyes, with their concentrated, indeed flaming gaze.

Katarína Bajcurová ● “Sedemkrát”… Iba oči (