Vomite ergo sum!

Emília Rigová

Emília Rigová – Vomite ergo sum!
measurements: dĺžka 45.0 s
work type: iné médiávideo
technique: color video
digital videotape
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
inventory number: IM 1024
tags: zlato identita telo akcia
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In the video Emília Rigová vomits a substance reminiscent of gold. This radical artistic gesture may be interpreted in various ways. One of them is the metaphorical attempt to get rid of stereotypes of the visual identi-ty of the Roma minority, which is often associated with an addiction to gold teeth, jewels, and so forth. The title, paraphrasing Descartes’s statement “I think, therefore I am”, may be translated as “I vomit, therefore I am”. 

Dušan Buran ● Sedem malých variácií veľkej témy: zlato v obraze