
Ernest Zmeták

measurements: výška 61.1 cm, šírka 47.6 cm
work type: grafikavoľná
genre: autoportrait
material: white paper
technique: lithography
institution: Slovenská národná galéria, SNG
curator: Alexandra Tamásová
inventory number: G 1567
tags: muž autoportrét
order reproduction

“It was a look not only at oneself but into oneself. Inward gazing, self-scrutiny, was also my self-discovery, self-proclamation. Via every self-portrait, I discovered and registered in myself something hitherto un-known. And so my view of myself and my method of self-portrayal, or self-expression, was slowly changing.” – Ernest Zmeták

Katarína Bajcurová ● “Sedemkrát”… Iba oči (